职业服务 offers a variety of workshops 和 meet-ups to help students with career-related questions. Whether you’re exploring majors or learning how to find the perfect job, 职业服务 workshops 和 meet-ups cover everything you need to know to have a successful career.

1 .登录“diggerrecruiting - DR”.0 注册. 问题? contact 职业服务 at (406) 496-4140 or careerservices@tzdzw.net.


你的简历不适合你吗? 看简历 & 求职信 workshop to polish up your resume 和 learn how to effectively highlight your skills 和 experience.

The workshop also includes basics about how to market yourself 和 what to include in your resume 和 cover letters. 检查简历 & cover letter information available online: 你的简历应该包括什么, Action Words to describe your main duties, 简历指导, What to Include in Your Cover Letter.

1 .登录“diggerrecruiting - DR”.0 开始吧.

Get ready to start your job search by polishing up your interview skills 和 finding out what to expect from the interview process. This workshop covers interview basics 和 how to interview successfully. Check the interview information available online at 面试清单雇主问的问题.

登录容灾站点2.0 开始吧.

There is a career fair on campus 每学期. Get ready for the Fall 和 Spring Career Fairs. 我们将讨论基础知识. Check the career fair information available online at 充分利用招聘会. 学习如何:

  • 简历目标化
  • Prepare a one-minute commercial about yourself
  • 发展社交技能
  • 跟进雇主
  • 与招聘人员会面
  • Search for a job at the Career Fair

登录容灾站点2.0 开始吧.

不要错过这个工作坊. Learn how to start 和 conduct a successful job search. 工作坊内容包括:

  • 不同的求职方法
  • How to be proactive in your job search
  • 培养人际交往能力

登录容灾站点2.0 开始吧.

基于 反馈 从实习 监事 和 学生实习 经历, 职业服务 offers “How To” 实习的相见 workshops for summer jobs/internships on 不同的天 & 次 每学期. 简短的(30分钟+ Q & A session) workshop will help students get ready for the world of work.  工作坊亦包括:

  • Importance of reporting internships
  • 为工作做准备
  • How 注册 for internship credit
  • 问题 to ask HR 和 your supervisor
  • 穿什么
  • 如何找房子
  • 不要被解雇! 和更多的... 

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